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Short Characteristics

· Description: Managing secret information of competitors and partners over your target markets.
· Specials: this app' is a frame that can be adjusted to your exact needs.
· Customers: big-sized companies, top-management, strategic environments
· Keyword
s: Wettbewerber-Verwaltung, Rating-System, Beurteilungs-System



The Competitors and Partners Assessment database is a unique source for assessing credit risks involved in capital allocation. It allows you to input a broad range of ratings and key financial data of thousands of companies on a single database available throughout a global group. It maximizes the flexibility & effectiveness of your Risk Management procedures. This database is a powerful strategic business tool.


You may include and report on various counterparty information, including

· internal and external company ratings
· key financials
· balance sheet figures
· income statement figures
· internal ratios and assessment algorithms
· parent / affiliate relationships
· security committee files
· multimedia information
· addre
ss, contact, location


Exploiting the Strategic Value of Ratings and Key Financials

· provide your world-wide analysts' team with strategic ratings & figures of competitors & partners
· allow good-quality underwriting decisions by offering the latest company-related assessments & security committee data
· save enormous amounts by making use of a single corporate assessment tool
· scalability - include different internal & external information sources:
· your own internal ratings & financial figures/ratios of companies
· external data from S&P, AMBest, Moody's, Reuters, Bankstat, etc.
· enable the interaction with other internal IT systems (uniform company ID)
· add your own calculation formulae and algorithms
· present & compare ratings and ratios of various sources in worldwide and country hitparades & views
· leverage your assessment information: make use of security-restricted worldwide data access
· customize the criteria for counterparty assessments acc. to your company's needs
· search the warehouse plus any embedded media by keywords
· use the database wherever you need it (on the road or online)
· exploit the built-in link to the powerful 'Contact & Skills Management' warehouse
· easy to use, i
nnovative, powerful, efficient, up-to-date


Customer Benefits & Opportunities from a technical point of view

· platform independence (NT, windows, unix, os/400, macintosh etc.)
· Intranet/ Extranet / Internet
· allows an easy and secure access to your data (Notes or web-browser)
· securely distribute (replicate) the information around the world
· use the database either locally, on the LAN, on the WAN or over the Internet
· built-in mail platform enables you to send information to others
· the flexible design enables you to embed various media & files
· drag your favorites into your own folder
· foster your groupware paradigm to enable team-work across the globe
· link your heterogenous distributed IT platforms across business units and departments with Notes
· version mana
gement: track authors, editors and times of modifications


Hitparades, Views, Reports

The following names of hitparades represent some of the manyfold report facilities (here e.g. Insurance-focussed) of the Competitors and Partners Assessment database. All reports are available on both country & worldwide level and can include both your own and external data:

· Internal Ratings by Overall Rating
· Internal Ratings by Rating Areas
· Security Comittee files
· Comittee Members
· External Ratings by
· Rating Symbols & Provider
· Provider & Rating Symbols
· My favorites

Balance Sheet
· Assets
· Bonds
· Stocks & Shares
· Real Estate
· Affiliates
· Insurance Debts
· Cash
· Other Assets
· Total Assets
· My favorites

Balance Sheet - Shareholders Funds
· Capital
· Extra Shareh' Funds
· Other Shareh' Funds
· Shareh' Funds
· Adjusted Asset Values
· Unpaid Capital
· Adjusted Shareh' Funds
· My favorites

Balance Sheet - Liabilities
· Loss Reserve
· Premium Reserve
· Funded Reserve
· Other Technical Reserve
· Technical Reserve
· Other Liabilities
· Total Liabilities
· My favorites

Income Statement - Underwriting ProfitLoss
· Gross Premium written
· Reinsurance Ceded
· Net Premium Written
· Increase in Premium Res.
· Net Premium Earned
· Net Losses incurred
· Underwriting Expenses
· Net Commission Expenses
· My favorites

Income Statement - Investment ProfitLoss
· Net Investment Income
· Net Realised Gains
· Net Other Income
· Pretax Profit
· Investment earnings
· Underwriting earnings
· Total earnings
· My favorit



· 1-User Licence, N/A
· 10-User Licence, N/A
· Enterprise Licence*
, on demand, Frame only. Customizing according to the client's requirements specifications



The following pictures are previews of screenshots of the database.

Detail Screen, Financial Data Section. Click on picture to see more:

Detail Screen, Internal & External Rating Section. Click on picture to see more:

View by Total Overview. Click on picture to see more:

View by Ratings, sorted per Rating Areas. Click on picture to see more:


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