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Short Characteristics

· Description: Managing contacts incl. skills, business, home, education, job history ...
· Specials: correspondence tracking, mailmerge export, copy-to-clipboard function ...
· Customers: small- to big-sized companies, individuals
· Keywords: CRM, Kundenverwaltung, Addressverwaltung, Fähigkeits-Management



The Corporate Contacts & Skills Management database is a valuable source for tracking all neccessary information about external persons (e.g. clients, partners, freelancers) and/or your internal employees. It allows you to input private and business address information, skills and work experiences of thousands of people on a single database available throughout a global group. Additionally you may store in this database all the communication portfolio associated to each person over years ! It maximizes the flexibility & effectiveness of your human resources management procedures. Customers & partners can be treated uniformly around the world due to immediate accessibility to their data and recent phone calls, letters, faxes, meeting protocols etc. This ensures a perfect customer and employee service. Latest Database Version comes with integrated mail-merge export and copy-address-to-clipboard functionality !


Import & report on various information such as...

personal information
· person last name, first name, title etc.
· birthday
· picture & comment
· job history, education
· home address information
· pending actions (to do's)
· address label preview & clipboard copy
· hobbies, professional affiliations
· classification hierarchy
· 'my favorites' folder

business information
· company, department
· business unit, cost center
· address, country & city
· role, function
· account manager
· www, email, bank account
· classification hierarchy
· 'my favorites' folder

skills information
· skills
· skill areas
· classification hierarchy
· 'my favorites' folder

communication portfolio information
· faxes
· letters
· phones
· meeting protocols
· classification hierarchy
· 'my favorit
es' folder


Various other Key Functionality

· mail-merge support to word-processors (incl. country-specific label format !)
· supports proper separation of domicile, mail and home address
· view filtering available for internal or external addresses
· self-definable fax, letter etc. layouts
· quick men
u access with proper view and actions numbering


General Database Strenghts

· allows the classification of documents according to your enterprise's structure
· allows the decentralized data input in combination with a global data reuse
· search the database plus any embedded media by keywords
· platform independence (NT, windows, unix, os/400, macintosh etc.)
· Intranet/ Extranet / Internet
· allows a secure and easy access to your data (Notes or web-browser)
· securely distribute (replicate) the information around the world
· use the database either locally, within your LAN (local area network), within your WAN or over the Internet
· built-in mail platform enables you to send information to others
· use the database wherever you need it (off-line, data replication)
· generic design concept to allow maximum customer flexibility and independence
· drag your favorites into your own folder
· includes an intuitive online-help
· easy to use, innovative
· low training effort
· scala


Customer Benefits

· make unlimited repications of the database at no extra costs !
· add unlimited number of users and admins at no extra costs !
· reduce user training efforts with straightforward and easy-to-use interface
· handle all your external and / or internal contact addresses in one database
· track all communication and correspondence to enable quality customer service
· track skills to find right people for your projects' needs
· save time with built-in mailmerge export
· save time with built-in address-label-clipboard-copy feature
· save investment
s by having the option to bring your data to the web later on



· 1-User Licence, price on demand
· Enter
prise Licence*, price on demand, unlimited replica's and users!



The following pictures are previews of screenshots of the database.

Detail Screen collapsed. Click on picture to see more:

Detail Screen expanded in address section. Click on picture to see more:

View by Country. Click on picture to see more:

View by Person. Click on picture to see more:

View by 'My Favorites'. Click on picture to see more:



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