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Short Characteristics

· Description: Managing your company's standard layout letters, files etc.
· Specials: embed any type of CI media including text guidlines etc.
· Customers: medium- to big-sized companies, consultants, marketing
· Keywords: Standards-Management, CI, Vorlagen-Verwaltung, Stylesheets-Management



The Corporate Identity Database is a precious source for distributing and reusing company templates & guidelines across business units world-wide. It allows you to input a broad range of corporate identity material (e.g. logos, letter/fax templates, slides) along with explanations and instructions on a single database available throughout a global group. It maximizes the flexibility & effectiveness of your marketing and public relationship procedures and ensures a uniform presence in today's business market. Read and write settings can be adjusted flexibly.


You may include various corporate identity information & material, e.g.

· style sheets
· fax layouts
· letter layouts
· corporate design material
· corporate communication rules
· reusable multimedia files
· common spreadsheets
· periodic announcements
· user guidelines
· adminstrator guidelines
· manager guidelines
· IT guidelines
· tutorial videos
· configuration settings files
· driver files, utilities etc.


You may report on various information, e.g.

· Media identifier
· title, identifier
· description
· warehouse classification
· business unit
· project / team
· media type
· source
· language
· confidentiality
· status
· authors, editors
· size, pages
· my favorites


Exploiting the strategic value of corporate identity information

· enforce the same use of corporate standards in all your business units & departments worldwide
· save conflicts due to accidental corporate identity breaches
· demonstrate to your customers a uniform approach on the market
· allow a good-quality internal and external communication
· save money and your employee's time by offering out-of-the-box templates
· classify the material and guidelines according to your enterprise's structure
· leverage your corporate identity information
· make use of security-restricted data access using webbrowsers from around the globe !
· search the warehouse plus any embedded media by keywords
· use the database wherever you need it (on the road or online)
· foster your marketing success
· foster your groupware paradigm to enable team-work across the globe
· built-in discussion bases are incorporated into all our Notes products at no extra cost
· easy to use, innovative, powerful, efficient


Customer Benefits from a technical point of view

· platform independence (NT, windows, unix, os/400, macintosh etc.)
· Intranet/ Extranet / Internet
· allows a secure and easy access to your data (Notes or web-browser)
· securely distribute (replicate) the information around the world
· use the database either locally, on the LAN, on the WAN or over the Internet
· built-in mail platform enables you to send information to others
· the flexible design enables you to embed various media & files
· drag your favorites into your own folder
· link your heterogenous distributed IT platforms across business units and departments with Notes
· version management: track authors, editors and times of modifications



1-User Licence, 1'000.- CHF, for office & private use
10-User Licence, 2'000.- CHF, for office & private use
Enterprise Licence*, 4'500.- CHF, unlimited replica's and users !



The following pictures are previews of screenshots of the database.

Detail Screen collapsed. Click on picture to see more:

View by Classification. Click on picture to see more:

View by Language. Click on picture to see more:



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