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Short Characteristics

· Description: Addition of complete Workflow Engine in any Notes application. Define yourself what steps follow in what order and which mail documents are to be sent on what condiditions. Logs all user actions and shows document's status.
· Specials: Very flexible - define any number & kind of workflow and email notification documents. Transparent views show the real-time status to your workflow documents.
· Customers: medium- to big-sized companies
· Keywords: Workflow-Management, Prozess-Steuerung, Prozess-Ablauf



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Summary of key elements of this product

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Customer Benefits & Opportunities

· save programmers time & training skills
· much quicker time-to-market
· save much money by reusing proven technology
· reduce project development errors considerable
· easy to use



Enterprise Licence, 9'900.- CHF, unlimited number of developers (of a company's subsidiary)



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