Purchase Controlling (A.G.O.) 2000
> one database with all material purchase activities across whole customer group
> creating synergy among different local purchasing units
> saving money by getting same procurement conditions worldwide
> allowing knowledge sharing among business units about (raw) materials
> customer env.: purchasing / construction industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.6
> rollout: worldwide (> 750 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium

SAP Material / Workflow (C.M.M.) 1998-2001
> managing product items globally
> interfaced to SAP legacy system
> includes customizable workflow mechanism incl. email-notifications
> customer env.: material management / construction industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.6
> rollout: CH / DE / FR (> 300 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium


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We will never reveal any such information to other parties than the customer him-/herself.


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