Project Reporting R&D (P.R.) 2002
> project budget control database for internationan research & development
> storing working hours and status information of all R&D projects companywide
> includes reporting overviews and monthly project reporting capabilities
> customer env.: corporate industry / construction industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 5.x
> rollout: worldwide (> 400 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium / highly sensitive

Global Accounts Database (G.A.D.S.) 1999-2001
> maximizing the company's worldwide premiums from corporate customers
> identifying and fostering cross-selling opportunities (incl. account responsibility matrix)
> exploiting groupware paradigm in order to maximize team-work accross business units
> multiple-layer aggregation, account team matrix, security-features
> various reports by groups, subgroups, business units, regions, responsibilities ...
> top-level strategic system, executive management board focused
> customer env.: strategic operations / insurance
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.x/5.x
> rollout: worldwide (> 20'000 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: big / very sensitive

Research & Development Decision Database (D.E.C.) 1995/1996
> storing top-secret pharma research results and insider knowhow
> tracking competitor's resarch activities, comparing with own R&D projects
> very sensitive system, top R&D managemet focused
> customer env.: R&D / pharmaceutical industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 3.x
> rollout: worldwide (< 50 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium / very sensitive

Competitor Assessments (C.O.U.) 1998/1999
> rating system exploiting the synergy of internal and external data input of financial and rating data
> external data include Standard&Poors (S&P), AMBest (AMB), Moody's and others
> internal data input is done by analysts world-wide
> merging insider information and internal ratings with external data into one global database
> powerful comparisons, reports, hitparades
> strategic system, executive management focused
> customer env.: global services / insurance
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.5
> rollout: worldwide (> 100 top managers)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: big / very sensitive


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