Expertise Finder (E.F.) 2002
> locating skills in the company and finding knowledge hubs
> allowing the tracking of skills & expertise
> finding people with special skills or skills sets
> improving sales forces due to more knowledge transparency
> customer env.: sales and organisation / insurance industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, training, Notes 5.x
> rollout: worldwide (> 1'000 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium

Key Account Management (A.M.I.), 2001/2002
> customer relationship management database (CRM)
> storing projects, contacts, visit reports, technical documents, pricelist etc.
> includes reminder- and newsletter-functionality
> customer env.: corporate industry / construction industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.6
> rollout: worldwide (> 200 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium / sensitive

Expense Management (I.C.2.) 2001
> handling activities and expenses
> configurable system that combines several int'l cost code tables (Kontenrahmen)
> statistical views on various levels
> customer env.: consulting / finance
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.x/5.x
> rollout: CH (> 25 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: small

Project Award Control (C.C.R.), 2000/2001
> award controlling huge industry projects
> detecting business potential, supporting sales force
> customer env.: top-executives / construction industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.6
> rollout: worldwide (> 300 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium / sensitive

Reservation System (R.E.S.) 1999/2000
> offering usage of any resources and human resources to employees
> calendar overviews to watch and maximize resource allocation
> approach of decentral booking and central approval
> customer env.: finance, insurance, manufacturing industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.x/5.x
> rollout CH: finance (> 500), manuf. (> 300), insurance (> 150)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium

Purchase Controlling (A.G.O.) 2000
> one database with all material purchase activities across whole customer group
> creating synergy among different local purchasing units
> saving money by getting same procurement conditions worldwide
> allowing knowledge sharing among business units about (raw) materials
> customer env.: purchasing / construction industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.6
> rollout: worldwide (> 750 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium

Call Center Request Management (R.M.P.) 2000
> workflow system for handling customer call center requests
> CRM functionality, condition-based request routing, e-mail notifications
> customer env.: private customers / insurance
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.x/5.x
> rollout: worldwide (> 25 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium

Styleguide Lotus Notes (S.S.Y.) 2000
> Lotus Notes development guide
> includes knowhow guidelines & reusable source code libraries
> customer env.: customer solutions / IT consulting industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.x/5.x
> rollout: worldwide (10-20 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: small

SAP Material / Workflow (C.M.M.) 1998-2001
> managing product items globally
> interfaced to SAP legacy system
> includes customizable workflow mechanism incl. email-notifications
> customer env.: material management / construction industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.6
> rollout: CH / DE / FR (> 300 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium

Staff Movement Control (W.P.L.) 1998
> manage organizational transfers of employees across locations & BU's
> improving access control for external consultants
> includes workflow mechanism incl. email-notifications
> customer env.: human resources / insurance
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 4.x
> rollout: CH (> 1200 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium

Powerplant Components Management (M.T.A.) 1995/1996
> system for handling & numbering powerplant components
> workflow management with document repository and email-notifications
> sensitive system, incl. process action control
> customer env.: powerplant industry
> type of work: analysis, design, implementation, Notes 3.x
> rollout: worldwide (> 400 users)
> platform: Lotus Notes
> project class.: medium / sensitive


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